
The Use of ICT in Education

The use of ICT in Education, worldwide research has shown that ICT can lead to an improved student learning and better teaching methods. The use of ICT in education is so widespread in society that classrooms should not be less, and they must ensure that they take advantage of what they can bring us. However, student in secondary and in primary  school people must be taught to use them consciously and safely.

The educational sector must assume the responsibility gradually to implementing all the technologies that may favor student learning in some way, and ensure that they learn to use them in a world where they are already part of professional life and their social environment.

What is Imformation and Communications Technology ICT?

Imformation and Communications Technology (ICT) is technology that is used to handle communications processes such as telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent building management systems, audiovisual processing and transmission systems, and network-based control and monitoring functions.

 The Use of ICT in Education

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education is the mode of education that use information and communications technology to support, enhance, and optimize the delivery of information.

How is ICT Used in Education

ICT enables the use of innovative educational resources and the renewal of learning methods, establishing a more active collaboration of students and the simultaneous acquisition of technological knowledge. Furthermore, ICTs are of great help in developing discernment.

The appearance of new technologies in our day to day has made it possible for the use of ICT in education to increase considerably in recent years. ICTs have gained great relevance in our environment, having a wide catalog of applications in various sectors such as entertainment, administration, robotics, education and all kinds of companies.

tools and the different supports and channels of information and communication”. To this we could add the process of obtaining, storing, processing and transmitting information digitally.

The notable increase in the social use of ICTs and their enormous impact is an aspect that cannot go unnoticed in the world of education. ICT is already becoming a fundamental tool for new teachers and students in the classroom.

The use of ICT is so widespread in society that classrooms should not be less, and they must ensure that they take advantage of what they can bring us. However, children and young people must be taught to use them consciously and safely.

The  Importance of ICT in Education and the Role of ICT in Education

ICT in education improves engagement and knowledge retention: When ICT is integrated into lessons, students become more engaged in their work. This is because technology provides different opportunities to make it more fun and enjoyable in terms of teaching the same things in different ways.

The educational sector must assume the responsibility of gradually implementing all the technologies that may favor student learning in some way, and ensure that they learn to use them in a world where they are already part of professional life and their social environment.

The Importance and Role of ICT in Education are as follows:

Online learning

ICT in education allows accessibility to all types of learners. All students can learn through the material provided. Even the special needs students can maximize the benefits through the usage of it. ICT has also covered issues like the “digital divide” and allows even less fortunate people to access the tools for their educational needs and enhance learning.

Higher-order thinking & skill developments

ICT promotes high order thinking and reasoning skills. These skills enabled the process of evaluation, planning, monitoring, controlling, reflecting, etc. To use ICT tools effectively, one must be able to explain and justify the solutions to the problems. For using ICTs, the students should be able to discuss, test, and evaluate the strategies and methods they use.

Better subject learning

The key role of ICT is to enhance subject learning and acquire skills. It promotes key learning in areas of literacy and numeracy

Develops ICT literacy and capability

Literacy and capability are the 21st-century skills that are needed. One of the best ways to develop these is to equip the subject-matter with purposeful activities.

Encourages collaboration

ICT fosters collaboration as children work collectively. It also enhances communication skills as they discuss, talk, and learn together. All you need is a laptop, tablet, or desktop computer to understand it’s working. ICT tools open up the doors for developing language through fostering communication.

Motivates learning

ICT motivates children towards learning. Children learn better through the usage of technology. They get mesmerized with technology tools and get motivated to learn effectively in the classroom or at home.

Improves engagement and knowledge retention

With the inclusion of ICT in education and its tools, children get more engaged and show greater participation in learning. It is all because of technology. It has made learning fun-filled with creativity and games. It enhances learning in multiple ways. Because of it, the students learn better, leading to knowledge retention.

Effective differentiation instruction with technology

There are varied learners with distinct learning styles in this society. So, technology does the task of providing differentiated instruction to different learners.

A key part of the curriculum

As per the latest curriculum, ICT plays an important part in the education system. So, many governments across the globe have started using ICT as a major part of education and the curriculum.

The rise of the knowledge economy

We live in an economy that is a thirst for the production and dissemination of information properly. ICT pervades at all levels and sectors like health, education, environment, or production. So, its use is needed everywhere at all levels.

The Benefit of ICT Education

The use of ICT is so widespread in society that classrooms should not be less, and they must ensure that they take advantage of what they can bring us. However, children and young people must be taught to use them consciously and safely.

It has been proven that the use of ICT in the classroom increases the motivation of the students, showing more interest and becoming more involved in the areas they study. ICT enables the use of innovative educational resources and the renewal of learning methods, establishing a more active collaboration of students and the simultaneous acquisition of technological knowledge.

Furthermore, ICTs are of great help in developing discernment. Being able to search for various sources and contrast them, as well as to structure information are some of the most notable skills that students develop thanks to the use of ICT. But there are more advantages:

Their interest in learning grows: the use of resources as varied as videos, websites, graphics, and games make traditional subjects more interesting. Multimedia content is a very useful tool to bring different subjects closer to students in a complete and entertaining way.

Interactivity: the use of ICT in the classroom promotes the student’s active and participatory attitude, which is involved in learning and is positioned as the protagonist.

Collaboration between students: Collaboration between students is clearly enhanced thanks to various digital tools. It is much easier for them to create team projects, cooperate and learn from each other.

They enhance creativity: ICT tools stimulate the development of the imagination, as well as the initiative of all class members.

Increased communication: close communication between students and teachers is encouraged through various channels, in a more spontaneous and less formal way

Personalize and content up-to-date: digital environments allow real-time updating of all information and resources. In addition, it is possible to adjust the tools and content to local and nearby realities.


In conclusion, therefore, we cannot deny the fact that ICT is an important part of our lives. It fosters collaboration and connectivity around the world. Technology is ever-changing. It is likable due to certain features like growth, creativity, joy, fun, and consumption.


Mrs Tony Macdonald