
Students Blog Writing and Comments in Secondary Schools

student blogging in secondary school

In this post we will be looking at students blog writing, the meaning of blog and how students can become quality commenters with model writing, students blog writing and how students can become quality commenters

What is a blog?

Student blog writing describes students in kindergarten to Grade 12 who are using blogs in some way in a formal classroom context. Blogs are digital platforms that provide students with a medium for sharing knowledge and experiences that go beyond the traditional means of reading and writing in classrooms.


Read: Primary & Secondary School Mobile App


Students Commenters.

Commenting is a great introduction to student writing on blogs. It does not require planning to write an entire blog post. Commenting can be used as a stepping stone for students to “earn” the right to author their own blog posts on a classroom blog or before they get to be administrators of their own student blog. I have seen teachers require a certain number of moderated comments before student’s “graduate” to be able to post comments without prior approval. The same teacher then requires a certain number of quality “moderated” comments, before the students gets promoted to becoming an author on the classroom blog.


How student can become a quality commenter.

  • Model commenting
  • Read comments (…lots of comments) to learn to distinguish between poor, mediocre and quality comments.
  • Model commenting to your students by leaving QUALITY comments on their blogs
  • Avoid comments, such as “Great job”, “Way to go”, or “I really liked what you wrote” …
  • Commenting is about continuing a conversation started in a blog post.
  • Commenting is about helping to (potentially) push the author of the post in a new direction, give a new perspective or connect them to new resources.
  • Commenting is about relating the thoughts, ideas, experiences or resources of the blog author to your own. Sharing them will paint a better picture of the issue, perspectives, or research.
  • Ask yourself if your comment CONTRIBUTED to the conversation, the learning of the author or other readers?
  • 21st century skills include critical thinking, problem solving and QUESTIONING. The comment section of a blog is a great place to practices these skills in an authentic environment.


Model writing


Take the time to discuss and reflect on comments left by others

  • It is the perfect time to upgrade and replace traditionally taught lessons.
  • Teach writing in an authentic setting.
  • Engage in conversation with an authentic global audience.
  • Deliver “just in time” mini lessons, as teaching opportunities pop up unexpectedly
  • Model by responding to or continuing a conversation


Know the difference between academic and social commenting

  • Students are most likely accustomed to commenting via text messages on their cellular devices and on friends’ Facebook
  • students need to be aware of the difference between these “social comments” versus academic commenting
  • Recognize when students are falling into social comments and coach them to academic commenting.


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