Every institution will get their own app with the logo of their institution as the app icon, name of the institution as the app name, and a preferred color theme for the app. Also institutions can create custom pages in the mobile app for Chairman’s message, Founder’s vision, About us etc.
Imagine a scenario, where you would have an app for your school in the Android Play store/ iTunes store, that the user (parent, student, and teacher). Yes, we are talking about an individual app for each School Software Pro app as soon as the Management decides to go with the mobile app. This would certainly speak volumes about the Schools commitment and attitude.
- Institution’s notice board announcements delivered instantly
- View & pay fees online
- Attendance details
The fees section is the most important part in a School Management ERP. When you can do everything else through the app, wouldn’t it be nice if you could pay the fees also through the app? Online fees payment would be a real icing on the cake when using the school’s very own app. So we have accommodated this use case too, by providing a payment option for the Parents in the app Itself.