School Software

School Management System Mobile App

School Management Software/ System Mobile App for Android and iOS users

Your School Management Software/ System Mobile App for Android and iOS users on your school brand. School Software Pro, your school management software/ system for primary, secondary and colleges in Nigeria.

Whether banking, gaming, shopping, we’ve grown to depend on mobile apps to make our lives easier and schools and educational institutions are not left out with school management software/ system mobile app. Technology has paved its ways into school and educational institutes. Today, schools have embraced many technological advances including school management software mobile app and have come to rely on them heavily for efficient day to day functioning.

Years back, the app for school management started as a database management system for schools to help them manage the sheets and sheets of student-related information such as academic records, students result, financial records, certificates records, etc. With times, the school app was extended to provide an array of school-related services such as attendance management, admission management, transport management, timetable management among other things

Read: Online School Management System / Software

Today, school app development has reached school ERP software, where a school management software/ system goes with mobile app. This is an enterprise and resource planning software designed for school management to reduce the workload of the administration teams. It also helps them to increase the efficiency of school administrative staff and helping them deliver timely services to the school.

In recent times a school management system/ software app is extremely popular in schools all over the world. There is a preference for these apps to also be available over the net as well as in the form of mobile apps which make access easier than ever before.

Features of your school ERP mobile app for schools

School software mobile App

Real-Time Notifications and Alerts

A regular day in any school is buzzing with activities but most of the time parents are not aware of these activities. A school management app helps to keep parents updated about the various activities taking place in the school from parent-teacher meetings, athletic meets, science exhibitions, annual function as well as other essential information such as delays in transports, homework updates, etc.

Besides the parents, even the teachers and school staff get real-time notifications and alerts on admission inquiries, timetable changes or any other relevant information.

This feature is highly appreciated by all the School Software Pro users and is one of the most essential features of a mobile app for school management.

Read: How to choose a School Management System

On your School Name, Color & Logo  

School Software Pro mobile app allows schools to the benefit of customization of the app with its own brand, logo, and identity. This another aspect school managers, parents and students love about School Software Pro mobile app.

Access to Result Sheet or Gradesbook

We all agree that parent involvement is critical to improving your school. Involvement can start with parents being in tune with their child’s grades and test scores.

A school management software/ system mobile app may or may not provide a perfect integration to this because of several SIS factors, but at a minimum you need to provide a link to your school’s grade system. In a perfect scenario, you have integration with the grade system and you have a single sign on with the mobile app. There are so many systems that it is difficult if 100 percent integration is achievable, but a result or gradebook feature with responsive design will certainly help.

Targeted Push Notification

It is safe to say no one wants to install a mobile app that sends a bunch of one-size-fits-all messages. Schools want an app that keeps them engaged with relevant information. This requires settings to be predetermined based on an app login or the ability for the parent or student to adjust their settings. This needs to be intuitive for the user, and it is important to communicate this when downloading and installing school management software/ system mobile app.

On the other side of the school ERP software app, you need the ability to segment your messages. Depending on your school, if you can empower various people to send push notifications to their related schools members, that is a big plus. Some systems even have the luxury of workflows and approval processes.

Easy To Use Interface With A Pleasing Design

school software mobile app

The user interface allows the user to communicate with the operating system and run the various features of the mobile app for school management.

It is therefore important that the user interface has a pleasing design and be easy to use and navigate without confusing the users. Even if the school ERP app has the most advanced features but is difficult to use, it will leave the users confused. The user interface must be purposeful and intuitive with the strategic use of color and typography to highlight the various features.

Chat functionality

Another essential feature of a good school ERP mobile app is the various communication features that it offers to the users. According to various children experts, student success depends on the effectiveness of communication among parents, schools, and teachers. A school management software/ system mobile app that has chat functionality allows for seamless communication between the school, parents, teachers, and students. It allows the students the freedom to contact their teachers and peers for emergency doubts and queries. Similarly, the parents can reach out to the school and teacher when needed.

Read: Inquiry and Online Admission Management Software

Tracking Functionality

An app for school management is only as good as the advanced features it offers. Today schools are looking for more than data management in their app for school management. It is essential that the app provides a range of features, especially an advanced tracking functionality that allows the schools to track the leaves of the staff, manage the attendance of the teachers as well as the students, track the fees transaction and other necessary details.

Most of these daily tasks are mundane and take up a lot of productive time in the school administrative team. But the tracking functionality of the School Software Pro mobile app helps save the time and effort of the school staff and helps them function in a little or error-free manner.

Latest photos

This sounds obvious, but this is an opportunity to promote the latest happenings through words and pictures. This needs to fit into all other forms of your communication. In a perfect world, you can promote your message from a single spot and it will be shared in all of the channels.

Photos are great ways to spread the word for engagement. Photos consumption on mobile devices is way up, and will continue to soar. If photos are or will be part of your school’s communication, make sure your School Software mobile app can accommodate them.

Management of School Tasks

Another essential feature of a school management software/ system mobile app is the management features that looks after various tasks such as timetable management, admission management, transport management. These tasks can be easily handled by the school ERP app to save staff time and effort and to help the school function in a more efficient manner.

Customization Of App Pages

For a school to use the school management software app in the best possible manner it is essential that the school allow for the customization of the app pages. This essentially means enabling various features as needed by the school, disabling redundant features and allowing for a change according to the evolving needs of the school.

In terms of customization of the app pages, the school management system app should also allow for a change in design, colors, and logo as and when needed.

Multi-language Support

We live in a global world where there are a number of languages being spoken on a day to day basis. In this case, it is important for the school ERP mobile app to provide multilingual support in the app.

Integration Capability

App integration capability enables independently designed applications to work together. It enhances the ease of use and is a very attractive quality for end users. This feature in one of the most top rated features of a school ERP mobile app that is highly demanded by the users.

Affordable Pricing

As with any other purchase, product or service, the users are looking for affordable pricing within their budget. A school management software/ system mobile app that allows them the best of the above features without compromising on quality.

The School Software Pro school management system mobile app offers all of the above features in cost effective manner thus making the app affordable for large as well as smaller schools in Nigeria.

Explore School Software Pro features at once.


School Software Pro