In this blog, we discussed the how good school management system improve communication in schools, how to use the school ERP communication tools, benefits of School ERP communicate tools and School Software Pro features that will help your school to have a good communication among the stakeholders.
Good communication is the key to success to every team work. Being able to communicate well in schools depends on the communication tools available to the stakeholders.
What is Communication Tool?
1. Communication tool may be described as mass, visual and electronic media such as social media, radio, internet, journal, email, SMS, web sites, which provide informing of participants about agenda and news.
2. Communication tools are tools that supports a community in discussing topics of common interest.
3. Refers to three forms of electronic communication in distance education courses—e-mail, discussion groups, and chat rooms. They are apps that act as a virtual, online meeting room for team members. They help your team have conversations, exchange vital project data, update others with progress, share files, and create work collaboratively.
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Communication is not only conveying information, but it encourages effort, modifies attitudes, and stimulates thinking. Without it, stereotypes develop, messages become distorted, and learning is stifled.
Communication is the process of understanding and sharing information where listening plays an important role. Intrapersonal or internal communication includes planning, problem solving, self-talk, and evaluation of self and others. It is a continuous process that prepares the speaker to proceed in a clear and concise manner. Interpersonal communication is sharing meaning between oneself and at least one other person. The goal of interpersonal communication is to send relevant and objective messages.
School Communication Tools in School Software Pro
- SMS Integration
SMS integration school software module can be used by all stakeholders who need to communicate with an audience on their mobile devices – but still being reliant on phone networks. This is usually used to bypass blockers a phone may have on web-oriented communications, discussed later. Using this module, management can alert parents to updates from the school, for example, teachers can send class-wide updates to their students, transport management module can integrate with sms integrated module to send SMS alert containing information about mode of transport, timing, live tracking of the vehicle etc., to both students and parents, as needed.
- E-mail Integration
Email integration module works the same as the SMS integration school software module, but merely over email. This is especially useful when sending out detailed messages or official communications that are just saved to inboxes of the recipient. Email can now be argued to be legally binding making this kind of communication module an apt choice for communication between stakeholders like management and parents or teachers and parents.
- Discussion Module
Discussion module can be used by teachers and students to interact and create some back and forth by posting comments in it. Members of a discussion group created in the discussion module have access to post and comment on other posts in order to create a discussion that mimics the one they would have in a classroom.
Discussion module is especially useful in an increasingly globalized yet dispersed world – students are able to use the discussion school management software module to replicate a classroom experience wherever they are. This kind of school ERP module thus has an impact beyond just its function – in some ways school management system modules in school ERP systems can be powerful tools for the empowerment of the stakeholder the school must care for the most, the students they serve.
- Inbuilt Messaging System
Enabling private communication between stakeholders is a key thing every robust school management system must be able to do, through the use of school management software module. Inbuilt messaging system school management software module is thus a must. An inbuilt messaging module will allow teachers and students to confidentially and privately and instantly communicate with each other for, say, a discussion about student performance in class. Parents and teachers can use the inbuilt messaging school ERP module to communicate about sensitive topics like grades and teaching strategies. Management or administrative staff and parents can discuss fee payment details using the inbuilt messaging module also. The applications of the inbuilt messaging system module are many.
Read: Online School Management System / Software
Why Good Communication is Key for School Success
In many ways, a school is a sum of its moving parts. Much like large corporations or big events, a school consists of numerous stakeholders with differing yet intersecting aims. In order to ensure smooth functioning, it is important that all these moving parts work in sync with each other. The key to doing this is, naturally, communication. Better communication relies on the sharing of information freely resulting in better decision making from all stakeholders in the educational ecosystem.
It is also important to remember the primary asset that an educational institution is servicing – its students. Good communication habits and processes teach students to be better communicators themselves, which is an important skill for their future. An educational institution that encourages good and efficient communication is one that is setting their students up for success in their future lives and careers out in the real world.
Benefits of Internal Messaging in School Management Software
- Share latest updates on Educational events and holidays as a notification.
- Sharing of knowledge, views and information with the parents and staff.
- Swift and easy interaction with teachers and school management.
- Ability to connect and stay in touch with parents and other stakeholders effectively, efficiently and effortlessly.
- Huge sums of money are wasted on photocopying, phone bills and paper. By implementing internal messaging solutions, schools can reduce expenses and man-hours.
- The educational market is extremely competitive and active. Schools who wish to engage and retain students consistently work to provide better visibility and improved learning systems.
Things to Do with Internal Academic Communications Tool in your Institution.
Notify Students of deadlines & Exam dates
Broadcast message can be used to inform students about projects, deadlines on assignments, enrollment, graduation, returning books, exam dates, and other important events.
Send Emergency & School Closing Alerts
With the help of Internal messaging service, schools can instantly notify students and parents of emergencies, accidents or suspicious characters, or send school closing alerts.
Send Parents Meeting Reminders
You can instantly send reminders for Parents meetings, academic meetings or events using School Software Pro broadcasting messaging features. This will eliminate the need for notice/info boards.
Freedom of writing
Send Awareness articles about any topic with freedom from character limits.
Student empowerment
Two-way texting (Reply enabled) services can be used to great effect to empower students and offer much-needed support.
Improved internal messaging system makes internal communication incredibly easy. With the help of two-way text messaging, schools can keep staff members up to date with relevant news at all times.
At the top
In built Internal messaging systems are quickly becoming the number one choice for schools due to their incredible open rate, low costs, reliability, deliverbility.