

ICT in educational management

In this post we will be looking at the role of ICT in educational management and how ICT can help the school administrators improve various administrative tasks of schools


What are the roles of ICT integration in education?

ICT have a prominent role in Educational Management as it facilitates the school management to share knowledge and information. It also helps speed up the integration of administrative functions, while ensuring a modern method of administration, giving faster administrative transactions. It provides newer and more effective ways of mitigating some of the challenges being faced by the educational system of the country.

These technologies distinguish themselves by their rapid evolution and revolution, continuously changing the modes of engagement with them. ICT has become an essential part of our everyday life, accordingly this integration in school improvement is not only for the purpose of teaching and learning, but also for educational management use.

It has become one of the most effective factors in schools’ improvement. ICT plays a vital role in improving the functional effectiveness of school system. In this post we will be discussing about the role of ICT in educational management and how ICT can help the school administrators improve various administrative tasks in the following ways:


Read: Primay & Secondary School Mobile App


  • ICT helps teachers to present, analyze and monitor knowledge by making use of software like school management systems e.g., School Software Pro.
  • ICT helps teachers to access up-to-date students and school data, anytime anywhere.
  • It helps them in the preparation for their teaching and provides feedback.
  • It helps in improving their teaching skill and helps in innovative Teaching.
  • ICT helps Teacher to design educational environment.
  • ICT helps Teacher for organizational preconditions (vision, policy and
  • culture).
  • Teachers learn most from their own networks (learning from others) with the help of ICT.


  • ICT motivates students in their academic work.
  • ICT provides access for students to have quick and easy ways in doing research and to train society.
  • It connects students to many information sources.
  • ICT supports active in-class and out-class learning environments.
  • It helps the students to communicate and gain knowledge in every area of their studies.
  • Enhances the effectiveness of learning.
  • It helps students build essential 21st-century skills, develop creativity, communication skills and other thinking skills.
  • ICT is generally to familiarize students and teachers with the use and workings of computers, related social and ethical issues.
  • It is also a quick and easy way for students to edit their work and improve their presentation by using ICT.


  • ICT creates an environment where students, teachers, administrators, and parents can easily communicate and collaborate with each other.
  • It also enables school administrators to share, secure information around the clock and ultimately access a world of knowledge beyond classroom walls.
  • ICT gives educational administrators the opportunity to transform the way learning happens and enable student development.
  • ICT facilitates educational administration activities from data storage to knowledge management and decision making.
  • ICT reduces operational inefficiency.
  • How does ICT improve the quality service in administration?
  • It helps educational administrators to perform effectively by simplifying the work processes and internal functioning via internal computerization and automation, thus fostering transparency and accountability.


  • ICT enables Schools to create and send out a classroom newsletter to keep parents up to date about the school activities via e-mail.
  • ICT enables the creation of school website where parents have an access to information about the learning process of their children.
  • It enables Parents to read and respond to e-mails from their wards school whenever they have time.
  • ICT allows quick feedback from parents through online survey.
  • Schools uses ICT to communicate with parents by sharing school programme related videos.
  • ICT enables the use of social networks like Facebook, Twitter or MSN to communicate with parents. Parents can communicate with each other of their children’s class. They can share pictures, important information, etc.
  • ICT allows School to send SMS and Instant Messaging to parents when the child is not at school e.g., with the use of messenger, WhatsApp etc.


One of the most vital contributions of ICT in the field of education is- Easy Access to Learning.

With the help of ICT, students can now browse through e-books, sample examination papers,

previous year papers etc. and can also have an easy access to resource persons, mentors, experts, researchers, professionals, and peers-all over the world. This flexibility has heightened the availability of just-in-time learning and provided learning opportunities for many more learners who previously were constrained by other commitments (Young, 2002). Wider availability of best practices and best course material in education, which can be shared by means of ICT, can foster better teaching. ICT also allows the academic institutions to reach disadvantaged groups and new international educational markets.


School Software Pro