In this post we will  look at  what is ict, what is ict education, the importance of ict in education, the meaning of ict , ict tools for education.

What is ICT?

Information and Communications Technology (I C T) is technology that is used to handle communications processes such as telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent building management systems, audiovisual processing and transmission systems, and network-based control and monitoring functions.

Although I C T is often considered an extended synonym for information technology (IT), its scope is, in some ways, more broad. I C T is often used to describe the convergence of several technologies, and the use of common transmission lines carrying very diverse data and communication types and formats.

What is I C T Education?

Information and Communication Technology (I  CT) in education is the mode of education that use information and communications technology to support, enhance, and optimize the delivery of information

What is meaning of I C T in education?

Information and Communications Technology (I C T) can impact student learning when teachers are digitally literate and understand how to integrate it into curriculum. Schools use a diverse set of I C T tools to communicate, create, disseminate, store, and manage information.

The Importance of I C T in Education

Today we do not need to go any further than our own home or even room, to see some form of I C T in our lives. Whether it is a computer, plasma TV, or mobile phone, we all have them in some part of our lives. In today’s society, people as consumers of  I C T, all strive for the one dream – the dream of a connected life.

This makes I C T a lifestyle choice for much of the population. In addition, this lifestyle choice is changing the way we communicate, increasing the rate of consumerism, and changing how we interact and gather information

I C T has invaded and transformed many aspects of our lives to the extent that we live in an environment that is dominated by technology.

What are ICT Tools for Education

I C T is a broad term. It stands for Information Communication Technology.
I C T tools for teaching and learning cover everything from digital infrastructures such as printers, computers, laptops, tablets, etc., to software tools such as Google Meet, Google Spreadsheets, etc.

However, we won’t cover any of these basic software or hardware tools such as laptops and computers. It’s because everyone already knows about them.

Instead, we’ll talk about some amazing software, applications, or platforms specifically meant for teachers.

ICT Educational Tools


Blackboard is a popular teaching tool that comes with numerous capabilities. Teachers can easily administer tests, monitor performance, manage syllabus and even upload grades.

This can save you from the hassle of writing everything on paper, and also from an aching wrist.

Students can equally benefit from this tool because they can access all the information, including grades, assignments, attendance, that you upload on the platform.

The best part is that all this comes in one platform. So, you won’t need multiple applications to manage it all.

Google Classroom

Google Classroom, as the name suggests, is a virtual classroom that makes learning easy and fun. Teachers can integrate educational apps or websites and create interactive assignments.

You can include a slideshow, a small game, or an entertaining YouTube video full of information. This way, kids learn better and enjoy their learning experience.

Also, Google Classroom allows you to go paperless. You can easily create paperless assignments and grade students within a few minutes. This way, you can save time and focus more on improving the learning experience.

Furthermore, you can create a separate drive folder for assignments, grade sheets, attendance sheets, etc. And you can access all this on the go, even from your mobile or laptop.

What’s more, Google Classroom allows virtual meetings. You can host parent-teacher meeting sessions online from your home. It’s beneficial both for you and the parents, especially during the lock downs.

All in all, Google Classroom offers a complete solution for online teaching.


Trello is a collaborative tool that is used widely in IT companies with large teams. Fortunately, it has several applications for you educators as well.

If you prefer project-based learning for students, Trello is for you. Trello has these digital boards.

You can create different boards for assignments, test papers, etc. And in those boards, you can create cards. Furthermore, you can discuss a particular topic in that card.

You can invite your students to view that card. And the students can put in comments, doubts, or ask questions and even attach images, videos, etc.

Also, students can easily look at their projects, set deadlines, and track progress online. In a nutshell, Trello takes a lot of burden off your shoulder while enriching the learning experience for kids.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is another popular tool for IT professionals. And similar to Trello, it has several applications for teachers and educators.

Microsoft Teams is a Microsoft Office 365 product. It simply means you can host meetings, chat, share files, and use every Microsoft Office app using Teams.

One of the best features Teams comes with is the Class Notebooks from One Note. Class Notebooks resemble individual student notebooks (physical) but come with additional features and ease of use.

Teachers can assign individual notebooks to students and provide them with real-time feedback. You can easily distribute exams, handouts, quizzes, and homework instantly to your students.

Also, the students can use amazing tools within Teams for taking notes and highlighting important things. This helps the students engage more and enjoy learning.

All in all, Teams can reduce the manpower and can completely replace the use of paper. It’s yet another amazing tool that ensures effective learning.

Subject Specific Tools

All of the above I C T tools for teaching and learning help in generalized learning. However, when it comes to specific subjects, special tools are required. Let’s talk about them below:

I C T Tools for Teaching Geography

Google Maps: With Google Maps, kids can learn to find the distance between two places and look at 360-degree images of places. This can help your students become familiar with multiple locations across the world.

Google Earth: This tool shows the entire earth with every location and supports an amazing zoom feature. Kids can learn about different regions, landmasses, and water bodies in a fun way.

I C T Tools for Teaching Mathematics

Transfigure Geometry: This tool makes learning geometry pretty easy. You can teach kids about several mathematical proofs and theorems in an engaging way.

Cue Think: You can use this tool to teach kids how to solve math problems in four steps: understand, plan, solve, and review.

ICT Tools for Teaching Biology

When it comes to Biology, you can take the help of:

Microsoft PowerPoint: You can use HD images and create slides to clear the biological concepts for the kids. Also, you can download templates from Slides go and make the job even easier.

YouTube: What’s better than using videos for explaining complex biological processes via YouTube videos. From digestion to excretion, you can find plenty of child-safe content on YouTube.

ICT Tools for Teaching History

Here again, you can use the above-listed tools but in a different manner:

YouTube: You can find historical movies related to the chapter you’re teaching for kids to remember.

Microsoft PowerPoint: You can create slideshows with minimal details such as dates, names, locations, and events, etc. This way, kids can learn facts easily and for longer durations.


In conclusion ict tools are very important in the class room, for all most all the subject is best if schools adopt ict tools to enhance the learning process in the class room.


Mrs Tony Macdonald