
ICT Education in Primary and Secondary Schools in Nigeria

This Post is about ict Education in Primary and Secondary Schools in Nigeria, and it contained what ICT is, What  information communication technology in education is, the importance of ict education in primary and secondary school in Nigeria.

ICT stands for Information and communication technology and it refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunication. It is similar to information technology (IT) but focuses primarily on communication technologies this include the internet wireless networks, call phones and other communication mediums. It means we have more opportunities to use ICT in teaching training programmers now days and improve equality of teacher for teach effectively.

What is information communication technology in education?

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education is the mode of education that use information and communications technology to support, enhance, and optimize the delivery of information to student

The Role of ICT in Primary and Secondary Schools in Nigeria

Critical thinking and problem solving

Collaboration across networks and leading by influence

Agility and adaptability

Initiative and entrepreneurial-ism

Effective oral and written communication

Accessing and analyzing Information

Curiosity and imagination

The Importance of I C T Education in Primary and Secondary School in Nigeria

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is important in primary and secondary education in Nigeria because it enables the student to search for the information they need and to organize what they have found. As a primary or secondary student in Nigeria progress through the school system, they become increasingly responsible for their own learning. Many believe that ICT needs to be better integrated into curriculum so all schools produce computer literate, independent learners.

ICT in education improves engagement and knowledge retention: When ICT is integrated into lessons, students become more engaged in their work. This is because technology provides different opportunities to make it more fun and enjoyable in terms of teaching the same things in different ways.

E-learning or Online Learning: The presence of ICT in education allows for new ways of learning for students in primary and secondary in Nigeria. E-learning or online learning is becoming increasingly popular and with various unprecedented events taking place in our lives, this does not only open opportunities for schools to ensure that students have access to curriculum materials whilst in the classroom but also allows them to ensure students outside the classroom such as at home.

ICT brings inclusion: The benefits of ICT in education are of such that students in the primary and secondary can all learn from their classroom the curriculum material. Students with special needs are no longer at a disadvantage as they have access to essential material and special ICT tools can be used by students to make use of ICT for their own educational needs. Despite this, it opens up new issues related to the ‘digital divide’ and providing access to ICT tools and resources for those who are less fortunate.

ICT promotes higher-order thinking skills: One of the key skills for the 21st century which includes evaluating, planning, monitoring, and reflecting to name a few. The effective use of ICT in Nigeria education demands skills such as explaining and justifying the use of ICT in producing solutions to problems. Students need to discuss, test, and conjecture the various strategies that they will use.

ICT enhances subject learning: It is well known these days that the use of ICT in education adds a lot of value to key learning areas.

ICT use develops ICT literacy and ICT Capability: Both are 21st-century skills that are best developed whilst ICT remains transparent in the background of subject learning. The best way to develop ICT capability is to provide them with meaningful activities, embedded in purposeful subject-related contexts.

ICT use encourages collaboration: You just have to put a laptop, iPad or computer in the classroom to understand how this works. ICT naturally brings children together where they can talk and discuss what they are doing for their work and this in turn, opens up avenues for communication thus leading to language development.

ICT use motivates learning: Society’s demands for new technology have not left out student and their needs. Student are fascinated with technology and it encourages and motivates them to learn in the classroom.

ICT in education improves engagement and knowledge retention: When ICT is integrated into lessons; students the Nigeria become more engaged in their work. This is because technology provides different opportunities to make it more fun and enjoyable in terms of teaching the same things in different ways. As a consequence of this increased engagement, it is said that they will be able to retain knowledge more effectively and efficiently.

ICT use allows for effective Differentiation Instruction with technology: We all learn differently at different rates and styles and technology provide opportunities for this to occur.

ICT integration is a key part of the national curriculum: The integration of digital technologies or ICT is a significant part of the Nigeria Curriculum for example.


Introducing information communication technology in primary and secondary school in Nigeria will bring about

Critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration across networks and leading by influence, agility and adaptability Initiative, entrepreneurial effective oral and written communication, accessing and analyzing Information, curiosity and imagination.


Mrs Tony Macdonald