
Design School ID Cards Using School ERP

school id card maker software

Besides from designing and generating your school students and other employees ID card, it can create visitor pass, card for the temporary worker and much more with School Software Pro. ID card program is the best way to increase and retain the school/campus security.

school id card maker software

ID card is the vital element of each institution it helps in enhancing the institution security, allow students to build personal connections and streamline the administrative daily operations. ID card is a way through which it becomes easier to determine that whether the students or other staff members are the part of an institute or not, and for what all institute’s amenities they are authorized.

But sometimes an ID card program becomes a painstaking task for the administrators, from selecting a suitable template to editing a data on each ID card is not only an exhaustive but also become a time taking process.


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To manage the ID card program, there is various software available in the market which provides plenty of features but sometimes it happens that those features won’t fit best in your institution.

Therefore, School Software Pro developed a module called as ID Card Generator. You can create an ID card template or customize template according to your institute requirements. To avoid the data entry error while manually creating an ID card, you can add the dynamic text to your templates using field codes and once the ID card is generated, click on the preloaded student data to finish the card. Also add the images, user photos, barcodes and other custom content to design ID cards that reflect the identity of your institution.

There are 3 steps to create/ design school ID Card in your ERP

Step 1 – Create ID card template

>> At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon >Academics >ID Cards >ID Card Templates, to create a new template click on New Template

Create a New School ID Card Template


>> Give some meaningful name for the ID Card template and select the ID Card type to whom you want to generate the ID Card.

Add School ID Card Designer details


>> Also, concentrate on the following fields

  • Select the Resolution of the ID Card
  • Upload the background image for front and back side of the ID Card
  • Mention the appropriate layout spacing
  • Select on which data the Barcode should be generated and also the orientation of the Barcode
  • Choose the user Photo style and also mention the dimension of the photo

Note: You can also add the custom fields if you want to mention in the ID card by clicking on Add Custom Fields

>> ID Card Content

Using the editor given below you can design the template as per your requirement. Use the field codes given in the box to design the templates. HTML mode in the editor can also be used for the template design.

You can copy the field codes from the box and use it in the editor as per your requirement. To manage the front and back side design of the ID Card separate editors are available.


Your School ID Card will require contents

Once designing part is complete click on Create Template to save the template you designed. If you have any changes to be made in the template, click on the Edit option available in front of the ID Card Template Name.

Note: You cannot Edit or Delete the template if you generate any ID Card under that template. So, please make sure that there are no changes in the template before you generate the ID Cards.


Step 2 – Generate ID Card

This involves you to generate ID Cards we have designed. They are,

  1. Generate Individual ID Card
  2. Bulk Generate ID Cards

Generate your school ID Card


Generate Individual ID Card

This option is used when you generate the ID Cards for some particular students.

  • Select the required ID Card Template
  • Choose the appropriate fields to whom you want to generate the ID Cards
  • Generate the ID Cards for the selected persons

Example: If new Student is admitted to already existing batch in the middle of the Academic Year we can generate his ID Card using Generate Individual ID Card option.

Bulk Generate ID Cards

This option is used when you generate the ID Cards for a Batch of Students/Employees.

  • Select the required ID Card Template
  • Choose the appropriate fields for the required Batch
  • Generate the ID Card for the Batch


Step 3- Generated ID Cards  

Under this option, you can view the previously generated ID Cards and also Required ID Cards can be Regenerated from this option.

Generated ID Cards for students or employees or visitors


School ID Card Generators is another way School Software Pro is adding value, reduce operational cost and efficiency in running your school day to day activities.


School Software Pro