
Child education in Nigeria

Child education encompasses of all forms of education, both formal and informal, provided to young children. This education is fundamental to the development of a child and can significantly shape the later years of child’s life.

Digging deeper, there are several different facets that all combine to contribute to a child’s early education. In terms of informal education, the primary source of input when it comes to a child’s development is, of course, its relationship with its parents or primary caregivers and teacher. In essence, parents can be considered to be a child’s first teacher. This relationship is especially critical between 0-2 years of age as the child begins to develop its sense of self and establishes an attachment with its parents. The quality of the attachment formed at this stage of life can have a significant impact on a child’s future education.

The other part of the equation when it comes to early childhood education is the formal education that it receives at a young age. This stage of education typically spans years 2 to 8 of a child’s life. There can be a variety of formats in which a child receives formal education at a young age, which can vary from state to state and program to program. Educational programs may be designed specifically for children at each individual age and can be provided in settings including childcare, daycare, nursery school, preschool, and kindergarten. Some of these programs are privately run, while others are operated by a local school system or under a federally funded program.

Importance of child education

It is fundamental to human and national development. Basic education brings growth and development to the young ones intellectual capacity as well as their morals, attitudes and how they relate to those around them. Every child is entitled to have a qualitative and sound education for a more promising prospect.

Child education in Nigeria provides a strong footing for their development. It helps to build a child’s cognitive, physical, social and emotional proficiency which will prepare them for life challenges. At an early age, children are curious to learn.

Education brings self-discipline to a child, a sense of responsibility, team-work among children and prevents them from feeling social insecurity. It helps in being self-confident and a good decision-maker. Hence, every child must be educated so that they can lead a happy life. What are the benefits of early childhood education in Nigeria?




A lot of parents in Nigeria are not aware of the benefits of early childhood education to their children. Some do not even see the need for enrolling their children in preschool or kindergarten, as they do not consider this level of learning to be important. This is the wrong notion, as early childhood education is vital to the growth and development of your child.

  1. Improved Social Skills

Young children love to play and communicate with their mates, and the preschool environment gives them the opportunity to do just that. Besides, the environment enables children to acquire crucial skills that allow them to listen to one another, express ideas, make friends, and collaborate.

Teaching young children early childhood education in Nigeria helps them to learn how to manage challenges and build resilience in times of difficulty. You will find that students who begin a school from the preschool settle easily at the institution and they acquire a long-term interest in learning different things, including music, drama, singing etc.

  1. Boost Self-Confidence

Through interactions with other children and teachers, children develop a positive mindset and perception of themselves. A child at three years, when compared to other children who might be older, will display a level of boldness and articulation — this is as a result of teaching early childhood education.

  1. 3. Enhanced Attention Span

Young children always find it difficult to pay attention in the classroom, the length of time during which preschool children concentrates as always been a concern for educators and teachers. Nevertheless, if young children are taught early childhood education in Nigeria at a tender age, this will help enhance their attention span.








Mrs Tony Macdonald