
Child and Educational Psychology

Educational psychology involves the study of how people learn, including teaching methods, instructional processes, and individual differences in learning. The goal is to understand how people learn and retain new information.

This branch of psychology involves not just the learning process of early childhood and adolescence but includes the social, emotional, and cognitive processes that are involved in learning throughout the entire lifespan.

The field of educational psychology incorporates a number of other disciplines, including developmental psychology, behavioral psychology, and cognitive psychology.

What is Educational Psychology

Educational psychology involves the application of psychological research findings within an educational context. … They can help to identify the reasons why some children find it hard to learn and make educational progress, and they make recommend at when you mention psychology most people think of counseling as a treatment for emotional issues, such as anxiety or depression…

Educational Psychology draws from other fields such as neuroscience and often involves standardized testing to obtain information about children’s learning skills and abilities.

So Educational Psychologists work with children to find out HOW they learn and process information and look for ways to improve their performance.

Child Development

This information enables us to gain insight into how children learn and process information and what their learning potential might be.

And it enables us to recommend specific learning strategies and supports for home and school to help them to reach that potential.

So what does this actually involve and how can it help children with learning?

Educational psychologists aim to understand how kids learn and find ways to improve learning outcomes.

We work with children and teenagers to identify strengths and weaknesses, help them tap into their existing resources, and build on strategies to overcome challenges and improve performance.

And this often extends beyond the classroom to other aspects of daily living, such as stress management and building resilience and self-confidence.

Factors that Affect Child Psychology

And it’s not just intelligence that affects learning outcomes

Emotional issues, attitudes, motivation, self-regulation, behavior and self-esteem all contribute to learning.

A learning assessment is often the first step in the process.

This is not only to identify any learning disorders or difficulties


A Full Learning Assessment (or educational assessment) will also Reveal:

  1. Specific strengths and weaknesses in underlying learning skills
  2. Academic achievement compared with what is expected for a child’s age and education level
  3. Positive and negative stimuli
  4. Environmental problems
  5. And other factors that influence the learning processions about the most helpful ways to support them.

Conclusion –

Technology is the factor greatly contributing to the children’s learning in home and School environment.  It’s a child psychology to attract more towards the technical tools if a child mostly depends upon technology for all basic learning then his creativity can be put at risk so a better coordination is required. Technology has brought closer the student, teacher and parent.


Mrs Tony Macdonald