School Software Pro, a School Management System provide the following benefits in general to your school (Primary & Secondary), Seminary Schools, College / Polytechnics, Group of Schools or Universities. Single...
Call it school fee management software or School Accounting Software or Fee management system for schools, they are all the same. School Software Pro manages every financial activities of...
Who is a slow learner? A slow learner can be described as a student who has the ability to learn necessary academic skills, but at a rate and depth...
I want to use this opportunity to briefly tell you about Accounting Management inside School Software Pro, your All-in-One School Software in Nigeria. Before I start, read what Mr. G....
From JOINT ADMISSIONS AND MATRICULATION BOARD: “We have now concluded plans to leap from the analogue to total e-system (online) of examination starting from 2015/2016”. JAMB’s Registrar, Prof Dibu Ojerinde,...