
Education is a necessity for every human being. Humans need education as much as they need food, clothing, safety and health. The education process is important in either developed or developing countries. There has been an increase in social misconducts among youngsters which is also in line with the country’s development and today’s technological advancement from various angles. These misconducts include criminal acts, stealing, robbery, gangster ism, prostitution, adultery, baby dumping, drug addicts and drug dealers, pills addicts, running away from home and so on.

What is Islam education?

In its most literal sense, Islamic education can refer to efforts by the Muslim community to educate its own, to pass along the heritage of Islamic knowledge, first and foremost through its primary sources, the Qur’an and the Sunnah.

Children Education in Islam

Children education has played a central role in Islam since the beginnings of the religion, owing in part to the centrality of scripture and its study in the Islamic tradition. Before the modern era, education would begin at a young age with study of Arabic and the Quran.

The Important of Education in Islam

In its most literal sense, Islamic education can refer to efforts by the Muslim community to educate its own, to pass along the heritage of Islamic knowledge, first and foremost through its primary sources, the Qur’an and the Sunnah.

Happiness. Education can improve your levels of happiness, helping you to feel more confident, self-assured and empowered throughout your daily life. Education doesn’t dictate happiness, but it can certainly help to boost it.

Self-sufficiency. Those with an education are far more likely to be able to become self-sufficient and work to earn their own living, making informed and well-calculated decisions in order to reduce dependency on others.

Determination. Setting goals is one thing, but reaching them is something else entirely. Those who are well-educated are more likely to set themselves more challenging goals yet will have the willpower and determination to do their best to ensure success.

Health. Statistics show that child mortality rates drop when the mothers are better educated. Since well-educated people are also more likely to have better jobs, this means that any children they have are more likely to have a better lifestyle throughout childhood.

Economic Growth. The success of a nation is dictated by its residents; a good national level of education leads to economic growth throughout the country.

Freedom. Working across different languages, cultures and countries is made simple for those who are well educated. Knowledge and self-confidence can help to ensure that the world really is your oyster.

Peacefulness. Greater understanding and tolerance comes from education, as people learn about other cultures and embrace the differences. This can lead to peacefulness and a far more ethical outlook.

Adaptation. Education opens our eyes to new ways of working and doing things, helping us to welcome new techniques and adapt to change.

Reasoning and Logic. When highly educated people encounter a problem, they deal with the issue in a calm and collected way, using logic to reason out the most viable solution.

Personal Development. When you sit down and take the time to learn something new, you are opening yourself up to a whole new range of possibilities, learning new things which can help you to grow and develop as a person.


The  process  of  developing  the  characters  of  children  or  students  requires  collective responsibility from parents, family and school. Good guidance and leadership of the Muslim family should be based on the fundamental of moral teaching, and most importantly principle of trust in spiritual values as high-quality values. These include co-operation values and the cohesion between strong and weak. To produce strong-minded children towards Islam and balanced and humble (rabbani) personalities, they should receive a comprehensive and balanced education. As a Muslim educator, we should give encouragement to ensure they carry out practices for Islam especially for children who have reached puberty. The educators (murabbi) and parents are the models. Children education in Islam will bring about the happiness self-efficiency, determination, personal development, reasoning and logic and many more to Islam.


Mrs Tony Macdonald