
Computer Education Curriculum for Primary and Secondary Schools


Many national educational systems are unclear about what should really be included in the Computer Science curricula in elementary and secondary schools. Should all students study Computer Science as a mandatory core subject or should it rather be offered as an elective subject. Can Computer Science contribute to analytic thinking of students and, as such, be an important subject that offers more than just subject matter? What do you think?

What is a Computer

A computer is a. device for working with information. The information can be numbers, words, pictures, movies, or sounds. Computer information is also called data. Computers can process huge amounts of data very quickly.

What is a Computer Curriculum?

A computer science curriculum is a set of courses, offered by an educational institution, designed to teach an individual about the various elements involved in computer science. For example, it might contain a course on computer history, or maybe something on a specific programming language or building a website. The specific makeup of the curriculum is not set in stone and will be determined by a number of factors including:

The Target Audience – Obviously, you wouldn’t teach the same thing to a ten-year-old as you would to a college student. Curriculum must adjust for the needs of each target group.

Local Business Needs – Educational institutions have an underlying purpose, to prepare their students for life in the real-world. Curriculum must adjust to provide training in the areas where there are jobs.

Abilities – Educational institutions need people on staff that are willing and capable of teaching the material they would like to offer. Students are looking for high-quality instruction.

Funding – Money is needed to buy equipment and software for the programs that are offered. And, it isn’t cheap. Some things just can’t be learned on a personal laptop, tablet, or cell phone.

Computer Curriculum for primary and secondary schools

In a nutshell, we can say that Primary is the root of education, whereas the Secondary is the developing stage for the students, deciding their future course of action in career-related studies.

Computer curriculum for primary and secondary schools are tailored to young institutional learners. In other words, the student has to be there, won’t have a lot of experience with a computer, and may only have rudimentary problem-solving skills.

  • Computer Recognition and Familiarity – This would be emphasized in the primary and is focused on identifying computers, their basic operation, and understanding how they contribute to our lives. Many elementary schools start their students working with tablets.

Basic Problem Solving – This would be more of a focus in grades 5-12 and emphasize problem-solving and logic, solving rudimentary problems and even beginning web development and coding.

The idea is to get kids to have fun with computers so they become interested and comfortable with computers and computer technology.

For the primary education curriculum is the elementary path of the computer in the curriculum such as

What is computer

The elementary path of the computer

For the secondary education curriculum is the basic path of the computer which are;

Applied computer

Applied computing is the study of both theoretical and applied computer science. Considered the intersection of information technology, computer science, and business, applied computing focuses on technical computing concepts and the development of skills in organizational leadership and business strategy.

Electronics Hardware

Is a Computer hardware that includes the physical parts of a computer, such as the case, central processing unit (CPU), random access memory (RAM), monitor, mouse, keyboard, computer data storage, graphics card, sound card, speakers and mother board.

Hardware validation

Hardware validation aims to confirm that a target unit, which may include a complex combination of IP, satisfies its specified purpose and serves as an early window of functional interoperability

, Functional verification

In electronic design automation, functional verification is the task of verifying that the logic design conforms to specification

Simulation and emulation

Emulation and simulator creates an environment that mimics the behavior and configurations of a real device. On the other hand, an emulator duplicates all the hardware and software features of a real device.


The secondary student will learn the quality or condition of how the computer is strong and in good condition.


Computer curriculum for education in primary and secondary need to be out line to enable the teacher to know what to teach to student at their level  to make them have interest and focus on the teaching.


Mrs Tony Macdonald