Research has proven again that if schools use data in order to drive their instructional decisions, it can actually help the students to perform a lot better in their academic careers. It is very tough for educators to analyse the progress of the students from a single assignment/test. They need to assess the students in such a way which provides them with a well-informed decision. This is the reason why several data sources are necessary in order for educators to have a proper understanding of how good or bad a student is.
Normally, schools accumulate a whole lot of data on various aspects related to the students such as their attendance, performance, and overall behaviour in the school premises to name a few. They also use tools such as focus groups and surveys in order to collect perceptual and administrative information pertaining to the students. The main aim here is simple – to make sure that students have better instructions and thus improve their learning experience at all times. As experts say, however, it is not always the amount of data that is important but the quality of the same. How this information is being used is quite critical as well.
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The role being played by school management systems
This is where a school needs top class school management and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems which can make their job really easy. With the help of these systems, a school can get all the technical assistance that is needed in order to always keep evolving into a better institution. These systems are structured in such a way that educators get data, which is better in terms of quality. Along with, they also get the tools that enable them to use this data in an effective manner for the development of their students.
Normally these data support systems function on the basis of the work samples of students as well as the results they have achieved in various assessments and examinations. Teachers can use a wealth of data in order to find out the areas in which students are having difficulties in learning and take appropriate steps to correct the situation. They can also identify the overall academic requirements of their students as well. These systems also train educators in critical areas such as professional learning and teaching cycles, as well as the response of students to academic intervention.
This is how the people working in a school are able to find out areas where they can improve and thus mend their ways to suit the requirements.
The importance of professional learning and instructional planning
It is very important that educators in a school, as well as other members of the staff and administration, are trained in areas such as instructional planning and professional learning. Such education helps them make improvements at a continuous rate and sustain that improvement over a significant period of time as well.